The Economics of Rural Entrepreneurship in Texas
July 18, 2019
Decongest the Future: An Urban Planning Approach
August 17, 2019We are proud to announce IAMECON has submitted 2 proposals to SXSW PanelPicker 2020. The topics that inspire both of our panels reflect IAMECON’s drive to utilize economic and statistical tools to create solutions for businesses and policy makers.
In order for us to share these exciting ideas, we need your vote to promote our Panel Proposals. To cast your vote, sign in to PanelPicker (need a free SXSW account) here.
Learn more below and vote for your pick, or both!
Organized by IAMECON team in collaboration with Junfeng Jiao, Associate Professor, UT Austin
Downtown-centric urban systems are problematic. The annual economic losses due to congestion are estimated at $126 billion. Additionally, these systems are associated with increased cost of living, reduced quality of life, labor market skill mismatches and environmental harm.
A parallel trend is the growing demand of remote and flexible work. Working from home among the non-self-employed has grown by 140% since 2005. From 2010 to 2018, coworking spaces grew from 436 to 17,725. Currently 44% of large corporations use coworking spaces. In our session, we will discuss a Sustainable Cowork Design. This design will align business participation incentives and will optimally locate coworking centers to decrease employees’ commute times and increase labor market efficiency.
VOTE HERE. Thank you!
Organized by IAMECON, and led by our own Devrim Ikizler.
Cambridge Analytica and Russia’s interference in the 2016 Election, twitter bots before Brexit. While most news focus on the negative, there are significant upsides to utilizing social media input to make policy. Only 56% of eligible Americans vote in elections, but 72% of Americans have at least one social media account. This gap emphasizes the value of utilizing direct user input. We focus on the application of social media tools to make government more responsive. Prof Greenberg researches the adoption of social media by legislators. Dr. Ikizler leads a federal project utilizing ~1M Yelp/Google reviews to evaluate occupational licensing regulations. Asst Attorney General Drew Harris advocates AI to make the bureaucratic process more efficient while highlighting the legal challenges.
VOTE HERE. Thank you!